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Getting Started with Spotlight using SendGrid


  1. First, click Configuration from the left-hand menu and select Connector Management.

2. Click Add Connector.

3. Add Account Name and SendGrid Account ID (optional). Click Save.

4. Copy the Endpoint URL so you can add it to your SendGrid Account/Subuser, and click Save.

You will now need to create webhooks within your SendGrid account.

To do so, you’ll need to complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your SendGrid account and navigate to Settings > Mail Settings > Event Webhooks > Create New Webhook

  2. When creating a new webhook, you’ll see the following settings:

    Enabled: A toggle to determine if the Webhook is active. Ensure this is turned on to begin sending email events to your Spotlight email analytics dashboard.

    Friendly Name: An optional name to help you differentiate among your webhooks.

    Post URL: The URL of SocketLabs Spotlight. Paste in the URL generated during the first steps of this guide.

    Actions to be posted: These are the event types you would like to be logged and tracked in SocketLabs Spotlight. SocketLabs will consume all events EXCEPT deferred events. Please check all events except "Deferred" on this page.

    Security features: Please ensure no security features are enabled.

  3. Once your settings are confirmed, please click Save.

You are all set!


At this time, the SendGrid Event Webhook does not allow account-wide settings, meaning the webhook you enabled will only capture events for the account for which it is enabled.

If you’d like to receive Webhooks across multiple SendGrid Subuser accounts, you’ll need to make sure this webhook setting is enabled for each Subuser account.

You can navigate to your SendGrid Subusers by clicking the drop-down menu next to the name in the top left corner of the page and selecting “Change Account,” as shown here: