How to Handle List-Unsubscribe

If you are using the automated bounce management in Hurricane Server and would like to have your List-Unsubscribe header directed to the return path that the bounce processing engine creates, you can do so by including a special constant in the List-Unsubscribe: header.
Examples below.




When Hurricane Server sends the message, if it sees the #RETURNPATH# constant in the header, it will replace the constant with the return-path Hurricane Server is using for the message.

This is useful for forcing the bounce processing system to also process List-Unsubscribe requests. For example, any List-Unsubscribe request will be categorized by the bounce processing system as an "Unsubscribe" type, which a plugin can handle to unsubscribe the address from your list.

Please note:

In order to activate the #RETURNPATH# header replacement feature you must add ReplaceHeaderVariables=True to the [Other] section of the account's general.config file. See below.
