Advanced Authentication: DKIM

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is the name of the industry-standard authentication protocol that is used for signing email. In its simplest form, DKIM helps ensure the email received is the same as the email that was sent by the sender. This is accomplished when the sending server leaves an encrypted signature on the message that is checked by the recipient server. The signature is generated and applied to outbound email during the sending process.

By creating and applying an aligned DKIM signature for each of your sending domains, you can significantly improve the trust of your messages in the eyes of mailbox providers.

The DKIM signature  will only be applied when the DKIM signature is an exact match to the From address.

Within your SocketLabs account, we have three methods to achieve DKIM alignment: 

Bring your own TXT record

Best for customers that want complete control over their keys and utilize multiple servers for sending on behalf of a domain(s).

The process of creating a DKIM signature via the "Bring your own TXT record" starts by creating a private and public DKIM key pair. You can accomplish this through our DKIM Generator. Then, you simply add the private key to your SocketLabs account and public key to your DNS.

How to "Bring your own TXT record"

Generate a TXT record

Best for owning and maintaining control over your keys for a single server.

The process of creating a DKIM signature via the "Generate a TXT record" simplifies the TXT version by generating and populating your private key within your SocketLabs account and providing the public key for your DNS.

How to "Generate a TXT record

Use a CNAME record

Best for domains that have a single sending domain or those that send on behalf of a handful of others.  

The benefits of using this method of DKIM signing is that it allows SocketLabs to remain in control of both the private and public DKIM keys. This allows you to get the benefit of custom DKIM signatures without the hassle of managing DKIM keys yourself.

How to "Use a CNAME record"